Oct 27, 2018

Manifesto (Julian Rosefeldt, 2015)

☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ out of 10☼

Maniacally obsessed with high angle and precision, Julian Rosefeldt delivers an
Absolutely delightful, positively deadpan experimental drama which is
Nothing as much as it is Everything, and whatever DADA falls in-between.
Irreverently cheeky and somewhat anti-art for the sake of art, this (meta?)
Film injects a deliberately sterile mockumentary into an omnibus-like
Ensemble drama, with the brilliant Cate Blanchet herself being the ensemble of 12.
Simultaneously stray and straight, Manifesto shows both white and broken
Teeth in its wide grin and often bites while spitting one quotable line after another.
On the other hand, 'all current art is fake', so beware of the 'square which becomes blobby'!

(... also applicable ...)

Mischievously poised and monumentally small.
Awkwardly elegant and austerely extravagant.
Non-essentially indispensable, non plus ultra?
Irrationally reasonable and intelligently naive.
Fascinatingly flat and fanatically disciplined.
Eccentrically conventional and explicitly equivocal.
Serenely rebellious and superficially profound.
Theoretically practical and teasingly comforting.
Obnoxiously wonderful and ostentatiously modest.

Oct 22, 2018

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious (Another 6 Pieces)

And with another five pieces, Instructional Manual for the Superstitious will reach the planned 50th page! For everyone wondering what the f*ck is this all about, I'll shed some light on the series:

A distorted reflection of the world in chaos which is simultaneously intimidating and inspiring, the 'Instructional Manual for the Superstitious' series of vintage-esque digital collages amalgamates its creators hopes, fears, dreams and phantasies into a wild, intuitive, irreverent, phantasmagorical and somewhat absurd entity. Laced with the traces of cynicism and self-irony, this anthology is an attempt to breathe new and peculiar life into 'forgotten' imagery borrowed from the vast public domain archive. The bilinguality of the artworks' titles is deliberate and meant to add to the puzzling nature of the project.

RE: Volution

If a = B + CCC, else D.E.A.th


Morning Dew for the Alpha Ambassador

Ptica Grabljivica

Little Miss Under Standing

(click to enlarge)

Oct 16, 2018

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious (Another 13 Pieces)

The longest collage series I've created so far, Instructional Manual for the Superstitious will soon reach 50 pages and be released as a PDF anthology including hi-res versions of artworks.

Æonic Discovery

Glow & Animosity

Pravilo X>=

This Way Away

Horticultural Paranoiac

Alchemical Conversations

A Different POV

Falling Star 888

The Instrument of Doom

Isti Otrov

The Grapes of Wraith

A Close Encounter of the 4D Kind

Prenosiva Kataklizma

(click to enlarge)

Oct 15, 2018

Animal World (Yan Han, 2018)

☼☼☼☼☼(☼) out of 10☼
A prime example of false advertising, Animal World (Dong wu shi jie) is most definitely not a crazy, pulpy and colorful action fantasy about a young man who turns into a sword-wielding clown and goes on a monster killing spree, but rather an overlong and cliché-ridden, though visually inspired (and eventually somewhat touching) 'thriller' about a bunch of debtors stuck on a loan shark's ship where they are forced to play the game of rock-paper-scissors using fancy cards and mathematical wit to win star badges (!) or lose their life, with the 'good parts' that are shown in the trailer and described above happening in our empathetic hero's head, and standing for a blunt metaphor about the difficulties of being a naïve philanthropist in a material world.

Oct 9, 2018

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious (Another 11 Pieces)

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious keeps growing... (NOTE: The bilinguality of the artworks' titles is intentional, but you can always use google-translate.)

This Tingling Sensation


Dreams in a Witch's Womb


Happy End(less)




The Test


Algoritam+=Ludilo (A Horse for Laura P)

(click to enlarge)

Oct 7, 2018

Mythological Reveries (3 Pieces)

The following artworks are the (retitled) remakes of Blue Love: A Centaur and a Lady, Yellow Curiosity: A Sphinx and a Poster Boy and Violet Delusion: Hercules and Cerberus, respectively. I got back to them so they could fit, aesthetic-wise, the 'Mythological Reveries' series... as well as to feed my obsessions with collages and Greek mythology.

A Centaur Trembles Before a Lady

A Sphinx Solves a Riddle for a Poster Boy

 Hercules Sends Cerberus to an Alternative Universe

(click to enlarge)

Oct 4, 2018

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious (10 Pieces)

In this post which is obviously dominated by phantasmagoric imagery, I present another 10 collages from Instructional Manual for the Superstitious series which started with Less Than If (see the article on the 9th anniversary of NGboo Art).


Photo(n) Memory (Neki Vrag)


Dissolved Halo (Bez Zamajca)

Tangent Reagent

A Multiverse Idyll

A Small Token of Appreciation

The Thoughts of a Faux Moralist

Neuhvatljivo (5...4...3...2...1)

 An Interdimensional Conflict

(click to enlarge)