Jun 24, 2021

Kinoskop u Nišu!

U saradnji sa Dejanom Dabićem, filmskim kritičarem i urednikom filmskog programa Niškog kulturnog centra (u daljem tekstu, NKC), Kinoskop sa velikim zadovoljstvom predstavlja specijalnu projekciju koja će biti održana 26. i 27. juna u maloj sali NKC-a. Posetioci će imati priliku da vide izbor najuspešnijih ostvarenja iz bogate selekcije prvog i drugog izdanja festivala, nagrađenih odlukama žirija i publike, kao i nekoliko ličnih favorita organizatora. Program je podeljen na četiri tematske celine.

In collaboration with Dejan Dabić – film critic and editor of the film program of Niš Cultural Center – Kinoskop is delighted to present a special screening which will be held in the small hall of Niš Cultural Center, on June 26 and 27. The attendees will have the opportunity to see the selection of some of the most successful entries from the first two editions of our festival, awarded by the jury or the audience, as well as a few of the organizers’ favorites. The program is categorized into four thematic blocks.

Arhivski film (Found Footage) / 1:00:25

16mm selfie (Karan Talwar, 2019) / Indija / 3:05
First Hypnotic Suggestion (Brittany Gravely & Ken Linehan, 2020) / SAD / 10:06
Devil's Chapel (Nicolás de Bórtoli, 2020) / Argentina / 7:40
Dad Is Gone (Pere Ginard, 2020) / Španija / 3:44
Tik-Tak (Michael Fleming, 2020) / Holandija / 12:06
I Stared Fire Forever (Salvatore Insana, 2020) / Italija / 23:44

Apsurd, pank & subverzije (Absurd, Punk & Subversions) / 1:03:13

Inventory (Joeri de Jongh, 2020) / Belgija / 4:50
Commission (Ieva Balode, 2019) / Letonija / 6:00
The Stranger (Pip Chodorov, 2018) / Rumunija / 9:09
Moonlight People (Dmitri Frolov, 2019) / Rusija / 14:15
UNIVERSAL EAR – The Curse of the Phantom Tympanum (Graeme Cole, 2019) / Velika Britanija / 28:59

Meditativni film (Meditative Cinema) / 27:59

Lumen (Sarah Seené, 2019) / Kanada / 1:41
where i don't meet you (Charlotte Clermont, 2019) / Kanada / 4:16
Another Horizon (Stephanie M. Barber, 2020) / SAD / 8:58
The Bearers of Memories (Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė, 2020) / Litvanija / 13:04

Magijsko-alhemijski filmski rituali (Cine-Rituals in Magic and Alchemy) / 1:34:44

Espectros Da Terra (Daniel & Clara, 2018) / Velika Britanija | Portugalija / 4:00
Pwdre Ser (the rot of stars) (Charlotte Pryce, 2018) / Velika Britanija / 6:44
Kinetics (Atoosa Pour Hosseini, 2018) / Irska / 11:22
Crowned & Conquering (Zareh Tjeknavorian, 2019) / Jermenija | SAD / 12:02
Herma (Eric Beauron, 2020) / Francuska / 29:28
My Selves Dissolving (Danielle Wakin, 2019) / SAD / 31:08

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