What does it mean to be a self-conscious animal? It means to know that one is food for worms.
We emerge from nothing, we have a name, an excruciating inner yearning for life and self-expression and with all this yet to die.
Man is out of nature and hopelessly in it: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order to blindly and dumbly rot and disappear forever. It is a terrifying dilemma to be in and to have to live with.
Images and sounds of a vintage movie trailer are corrupted and warped into a bizarre experimental art piece of heightened intensity: the results are weird, sinister and humorous.
A collective hypnosis, an invisible, subliminal enemy, an impalpable energy on the verge of exploding. The gaze of the filmed subject, that of the camera and that of the spectator trigger a participatory obsession, made of eyes in action. Eyes that stare, emptiness or neighbor. Crossings. Missed encounters. Sudden starts. Between fear and desire. Is the threat out of range? If there is a subjective, it is that of whom?
Selection 4 : Experimental DocumentaryStephanie M. Barber – Another Horizon, 2020 / 16mm (USA)
the horizon, where the sky and the earth meet, is always elsewhere, a promised place where these two elements come together. a metaphor, an orienting, a promise of transition, change, transcendence. a place where the corporeal and spiritual meet, or are cleaved apart.
also, here, the space between narrative and documentary, fact and fiction, is scratched between two voices. jayne love reads a text i wrote for her, short sentences on the concept of the horizon and the briefest suggestion of narrative collide with pieces of richard (oswan) williams' beautiful, rum-fueled living room sermons to me.
when i was twenty i lived in richard and his wife mary’s apartment, the site of their voodoo spiritual temple in new orleans. of course, as priests and priestesses richard and mary spoke often of death, transcendence, ethics and health. our days were slow and filled with philosophical rumination, richard a brilliant old man schooling a young wandering wonderer. i recorded most everything on cassette tapes back then and some have made it here to the present. to this horizon we’re at now.
Selection 5 : Thingamijigs – Punks and SubversivesJeremy Camp – Perfect Shot, 2020 / 16mm (USA)
A model's response from a photographer's harassment.
Isabel Padilla – Roadtrip, 2019 / Super 16mm (USA)
in the middle of where, what happens?
Christian Schneider – It Was Like That in the 90s, 2020 / Super 8 (Brazil)
In the 90s, the population accesses the internet through home telephone networks, sex chats become popular, but what can happen when sex becomes virtual?
Jack Wormell – Crumbs #3 (Cinema Trailer), 2020 / 16mm (UK)
A parodic cinema trailer voiceover is paired with footage of a beach in south-west Ireland, filmed in the summer of 2019. The image and sound really have no connection with each other, which is the point, and hopefully the badly delivered bombast of the voiceover is humbled by shining banality in amateur camerawork, seaweed, surf, and sand.
Emma Cosgrove – Hammers 5$, 2020 / Super 16mm (Canada)
A manufactured creek, a candid salesperson, an irresistible river and a sacred orb collide in this flash portrait of cosmic serendipity and the life cycle of love.
Between C & D invites viewers to explore a metaphoric world of inner dilemmas. With this film the authors make a research into new visual forms to express а human' eternal seek for a fragile balance between sensual and spiritual experiences. The title refers to the essence of the protagonist's tragic choice between two life concepts. Here "C" stays for Christian (Apollonian) & "D" for Dionysian.
Selection 6 : Secret DiariesAlexandria L. Vicari – Something for Yourself, 2020 / Super 8 (USA)
A poetic autoethnographic film full of nuance, contradictions, neurotic behavior, and feelings of being broke and broken in the desperate attempts to find hope and solace.
Julia Zanin de Paula – My Heart, My Traveler, 2020 / 8mm (USA)
Mere Dil Mere Musaafir (My Heart, My Traveler) is a visual expression of the unknown through the eyes of different cultures and languages.
We shot Mere Dil Mere Musaafir in the middle of quarantine in NYC with a crew as big as 3 people: the director, the cinematographer, and the performer. The empty diaspora city, the quarantine, the multi-nationality quality, and the process of shooting on film gave us the core for this project: the unknown.
Trusting the images and the words over their literal meaning is what Mere Dil Mere Mysaafir is all about and bringing unknown and uncertainty into filmmaking is part of the whole crews’ coping and healing process.
Charlotte Clermont – where i don't meet you, 2019 / Super 8 (Canada)
Shot on Super 8, "where i don't meet you" is based on its own physicality by the means of a DIY hand processing technique, where the film's materiality is treated not only as a medium but also as a subject. Its narrative structure reflects a work on film deconstruction, which joins an unpredictable and experimental universe. Showing a series of figurative shots accompanied by a textual sequence, formal and psychological associations are developped between each of the images. Through a confusing poetry, a filmic atmosphere unfolds in a "non-place", which recalls a moment lost between two time-spaces.
Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė – The Bearers of Memories, 2020 / 16mm (Lithuania)
With every moment - one more memory. But memory sometimes goes blind and what is left becomes hazy.
A man seems to be following a quest that hasn't quite found its purpose. Fragments emerge from his memory as if to escape the call of the shadows.
Hogan Seidel - The Backside of God, 2020 / 16mm, Super 8 & 35mm (USA)
The Backside of God is an experimental documentary utilizing archival footage, digital glitch, chemical abstraction, and direct animation to explore the intricacies of the artist’s relationship with their late uncle, Pastor Doug Seidel. This film is an elegy for a family member who found their, and your, queerness an abomination.
Selection 7 : Experimental AnimationAsymmtry (Jonas Erler & Marian Röder) – Super (8) Skate, 2020 / Super 8 (Germany)
Skating is cool. Super 8 films too. Fuck-shit! That was dope!
Dad is Gone. Dad is Ghost. Dad is Thing… spinning on its own skin.
After finishing building his Chapel, Lorenzo suffers a depression and is locked in it for three years. When he opens the doors he calls his children to show what he did: good and evil.
The long wail of a passing train slips into the heart of the ghosts and everything explodes into silence. An experimental animated film built around a single sound recording that evokes travel, the need to communicate, solitude, fragility, the desire for freedom, the arrival of fall, and our ephemeral existence.
Three glass characters race mental and physically. Apparitions of origin and magik parents obstruct the contestants. A dove threatens their vision.

Selection 8 : Experimental Feature
Paul Keller lives in a bombed-out city in the post-war year of 1952. He did not know his father and his mother is no longer there. Paul finds one day the missing person report of a young girl. He goes to Inspector Holler and claims that he knows the girl. But in the course of the conversation, Paul always seems less credible. He is sent out by the inspector. Does Paul actually have anything to do with the missing girl or does he seek recognition in a lost world? When he meets young Ingrid and falls in love with her is produced by Frame Store Film & Entertainment Gmb, the story turns in an uncontrollable and surprising direction.
The film Paul Keller - Stille im Schrei is produced on 16mm film. Director Axel Loh focuses on the "old school" look in the style of the 50s films. For this reason, he uses Beaulieau R16 cameras from the '60s, which exactly reflect the look of this time. In addition, old footage is used, which shows street scenes and ruins of the post-war period. The scenes have emerged after extensive time research and show the world of a traumatized German post-war society at the beginning of the economic miracle time.

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