Oct 22, 2018

Instructional Manual for the Superstitious (Another 6 Pieces)

And with another five pieces, Instructional Manual for the Superstitious will reach the planned 50th page! For everyone wondering what the f*ck is this all about, I'll shed some light on the series:

A distorted reflection of the world in chaos which is simultaneously intimidating and inspiring, the 'Instructional Manual for the Superstitious' series of vintage-esque digital collages amalgamates its creators hopes, fears, dreams and phantasies into a wild, intuitive, irreverent, phantasmagorical and somewhat absurd entity. Laced with the traces of cynicism and self-irony, this anthology is an attempt to breathe new and peculiar life into 'forgotten' imagery borrowed from the vast public domain archive. The bilinguality of the artworks' titles is deliberate and meant to add to the puzzling nature of the project.

RE: Volution

If a = B + CCC, else D.E.A.th


Morning Dew for the Alpha Ambassador

Ptica Grabljivica

Little Miss Under Standing

(click to enlarge)

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