Jun 4, 2024

A Selection of Recent Artworks: The End of Bianco/Nero

A series that absorbed a number of diverse realities (or rather, sources of inspiration), all the while remaining in the surreal domain, ‘Bianco/Nero’ had a few ends and as much resurrections, finally reaching 1001 chapters that were, so to say, foretold by the 84th collage, ‘Scheherezade, Version 1001-Rb1’ (2020). Started on September 30 of 2019, it gradually turned into an unwavering obsession, spreading its tentacles to the most hidden recesses of my subconscious. In its striving to blur or completely erase of the boundaries between personal and universal, poetic and banal, physical and spiritual, profane and sacred, real and imagined, earthbound and extraterrestrial, order and chaos, life and death, miracle and apocalypse, the past and the future, it showed me a multitude of liminal selves, born from broken and still breathing dreams, inexplicable whims, undisclosed desires, repressed memories, scattered thoughts, contrasting ideas, spatio-temporal ruptures, the elusive ‘color’ of inner voices, and illusory ‘words’ from beyond the realm of possibility.

Based on predominantly vintage photographs found in public domain, this overgrown entity became a fractured mirror to my innermost being – often at its most unrecognizable – and its tremulous connection to the irresistible vastness of the Unknown. A reflection and refraction of my interrelation to Art and its omnipresence, the pieces of ‘Bianco/Nero’ turned into a sort of a visual manifesto that stubbornly refused to be clearly expressed...

Hereinafter, you will find a selection of 7 most recent landscape-oriented installments, including the conclusive 1001st addition, ‘An Ode to Kafka’s Unicorn’.

La Resa dei Conti (Improvvisazione) / The Showdown (Improvisation)

Sintomo / Symptom

Diroama Divina / Divine Diorama

La Terza Morte è la Più Dura / The Third Death Is the Hardest

San Suicidio e Quattro Monoliti / St. Suicide and Four Monoliths

Un Ritratto del Pilota dell'Isola Che Non C'è / A Portrait of the Pilot from Neverland

Un'Ode all'Unicorno di Kafka / An Ode to Kafka's Unicorn

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