Jan 22, 2020

Untold (Nikola Gocić, 2020)

In an Elysian universe, the twisted geometry of archetypes breaks the third rule of the Word, and the Image emerges from the purity of Nothingness.

Concept, Collage Art & Animation: Nikola Gocić (Nicollage)
Music: “The Word” by Kemmer (Jelena Perišić)


  1. Aloha! Congratulations on your debut short! As usual with your collages the world of archetypes come to consciousness, and now their movement out of time gives them a new dynamic and the world rejoices!
    Some of the movements and the colors remind me of Karel Zeman, and his inspiring vision of the world!
    May the divine creative energies keep seeding sensations and images in you, so you make them flourish bringing your unique drum beat to this dance where art makes out of creation a contagious state!

    1. Hello, diegarte!

      Thanks a million for these wonderfully poetic words of support! They are highly appreciated! I am delighted to know you have enjoyed my artwork so much. :)
